Acupuncture is a system of using needles for medicinal purposes. It is an ancient procedure. By ancient I mean ancient. Specialized acupuncture needles have been found in parts of inner Mongolia that date to around 3000 B.C., but we know that the custom has been in practice since before then.
There are certain points or channels in which blood and “Qi” flow. Qi in Chinese culture is translated as "energy flow." Qi is supposed to pass through certain channels or meridians. These meridians can be reached by inserting severely thin needles into specific points along the body.
When you go to an acupuncturist for treatment, the doctor will ask you questions about your discomfort and conjure an analysis plan. This may include several different visits, or your visit may take only twenty minutes. After your acupuncturist has decided on a certain approach to your healing process, he or she will insert severely this needles into your top layer of skin. The needle's depth genuinely depends on your condition. The most common acupuncture points are located in your hands and feet.
I know what you are thinking, "Why would I want someone sticking needles in my feet!?!?!"
I have triumphantly interviewed a close family member who has gone through an acupuncture treatment while he was living in Korea. For weeks he had been experiencing lower back pain and had seen several doctors and gone through many medicines. All proved unsuccessful. One of his friends suggested that he visit a local acupuncturists. He told the man exactly what he was feeling. Surprisingly, the needles were small enough to go through his suit. The pricks didn't hurt at all! The two men casually talked for about twenty minutes before the acupuncturists removed the needles. Piece of cake right? That night all his pain had left.
Magic? Luck? Or science?
Acupunctures supports the advances of modern neuroscience. Doctors believe that the acupuncture points stimulate certain nerves that trigger the body's natural pain-killers and even increase your blood flow.
So is it really a bunch of ridiculousness? In my opinion, no. Acupuncture has been reported to cure conditions such as arthritis, pain, and allergies. The assumption that acupuncture can cure problems such as a terrible love life or depression is a little far-fetched though. Research before you get treatment. Ask for recommendations before you go, and always be 100% sure of your treatment before you visit an acupuncturists.
Information Compiled From:
Personal Interview
Acupuncture. Fact or a Bunch of Ridiculousness?
- Thursday, May 21, 2009
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